providing top quality RUGGED, RELIABLE SCRAPERS
Holcomb Scraper has developed a proven track record building rugged, reliable scrapers, dirt pans for the earth moving, agriculture, mining and construction industries. We produce high quality equipment providing durability and long life. Our scrapers are renowned for their easy loading and unloading. A high ground clearance and good visibility of the cutting edge make them the best scrapers on the market.
We have come a long way from our early beginnings. We started with the original scrapers in 1947 (see picture) and have evolved over time to what you see today. As technology grows we will grow with it.

Holcomb Scraper has developed a proven track record building rugged, reliable scrapers, dirt pans for the earth moving, agriculture, mining and construction industries. We produce high quality equipment providing durability and long life.
Our Products
Holcomb Scraper has developed a proven track record building rugged, reliable scrapers, dirt pans for the earth moving, agriculture, mining and construction industries.
Box 249 Holcomb, KS 67859
All your earthmoving equipment needs.
Contact Us For distributor and pricing information